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Export version information

Export-EvergreenApp can be used to export application version information, returned from Get-EvergreenApp, to JSON and store the information in a file. This can be useful for tracking details of application versions in a software library.

The following example shows how to gather application version information for Microsoft OneDrive, save the OneDrive installers to a target directory and store the application version information in a JSON file.

$OneDrive = Get-EvergreenApp -Name "MicrosoftOneDrive"
Save-EvergreenApp -InputObject $OneDrive -Path "C:\Evergreen\OneDrive"
Export-EvergreenApp -InputObject $OneDrive -Path "C:\Evergreen\OneDrive\MicrosoftOneDrive.json"

If an existing JSON file is specified on the -Path parameter ofExport-EvergreenApp, the new application version information will be added to the file, with duplicates removed. The file will include JSON data similar to the following:

    "Version": "22.077.0410.0007",
    "URI": "",
    "Type": "exe",
    "Sha256": "jjiooBnk6w0tEt20O1IWzT63jvuFUxpZgJDoJdpkDgg=",
    "Ring": "Enterprise",
    "Architecture": "x86"
    "Version": "22.077.0410.0007",
    "URI": "",
    "Type": "exe",
    "Sha256": "JjoeTY78Krp49KXJEyjtE1O9WSuFmFoNKECtVwKGDW8=",
    "Ring": "Enterprise",
    "Architecture": "AMD64"
    "Version": "22.131.0619.0001",
    "URI": "",
    "Type": "exe",
    "Sha256": "ObZEdqfd8gn9RhzR4SkuVS+Xu4R0vye5OnAaUgRl9E4=",
    "Ring": "Production",
    "Architecture": "x86"


Export-EvergreenApp does not truncate date in the exported file. You will have to manage data with a seperate process as the file grows.

The JSON file can be read back into an object with ConvertFrom-Json:

Get-Content -Path "C:\Evergreen\OneDrive\MicrosoftOneDrive.json" | ConvertFrom-Json