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Change log


  • Adds NetPad
  • Adds new ConvertTo-DotNetVersionClass - converts the Version number exported by Get-EvergreenApp to a .NET compliant version class #717
  • Adds Get-GitHubRepoTag to return an object of tags from a GitHub repository #544
  • Updates AWLCLI and Npcap to use Get-GitHubRepoTag and support proxy server connections #544


  • Adds OracleJava23, NavimaticsWinFSP #741
  • Fixes an issue with PositRStudio due to change in update URL #742
  • Updates default user agent


  • Renames RStudio to PositRStudio


  • Update 7Zip to Get-GitHubRepoRelease #737
  • Update TechSmithSnagit to remove the x86 architecture
  • Fix an issue with AdvancedInstaller


  • Adds AWSAppStreamClient, AdvancedInstaller
  • Fixes an issue with EgnyteDesktopApp #729
  • Updates FoxitReader to account for a version number issue in the source feed #732
  • Updates MozillaThunderbird to address version mismatch #735
  • Updates Zotero to return additional processor architectures #730
  • Updates internal function Resolve-MicrosoftFwLink to reduce default redirects


  • Update AdobeAcrobatReaderDC to add x64 architecture to all languages
  • Fix an issue in Get-EvergreenLibrary where Split-Path transposes the / character to \ in URLs


  • Adds OBSStudioAlt - provides an alternative method for returning OSB Studio downloads
  • Updates MicrosoftTerminal to return .msixbundle installers
  • Renames function Get-EvergreenLibraryApp to Get-EvergreenAppFromLibrary. Get-EvergreenLibraryApp remains as the alias
  • Updates Get-EvergreenLibrary to return details from an Evergreen Library hosted on a https URL (e.g. an Azure storage account)
  • Updates Start-EvergreenLibraryUpdate to support an application in the library without a filter
  • Updates internal function Get-AdoptiumTemurin to ensure jdk- text is not returned in the version number
  • Updates filter in the default Evergreen Library template - EvergreenLibraryTemplate.json


  • Updates Save-EvergreenApp to use a custom user agent for an identified list of URLs #677
  • Updates ScooterBeyondCompare with additional languages
  • Updates VideoLanVlcPlayer #704 #158, CitrixWorkspaceApp #578 #298 to output warnings for known issues
  • Updates GoogleChrome, MicrosoftOneDrive, MozillaFirefox, MozillaThunderbird to reorder output properties
  • Updates default user agent


  • Renames to JGraphDrawIO #714


  • Adds AmazonCorretto8, AmazonCorretto11, AmazonCorretto16, AmazonCorretto17, AmazonCorretto20, AmazonCorretto21, AmazonCorretto22 #711
  • Updates output properties in AtlassianSourcetree
  • Updates output properties in internal function Get-GitHubRepoRelease
  • Fixes an issue with the Version property in AkeoRufusAlt
  • Fixes an issue with the Filename property in PiriformCCleanerFree


  • Removes AmazonCorretto - replaced with individual AmazonCorretto
  • Removes OpenJDK #712


  • Adds AdoptiumTemurin22, BellSoftLibericaJDK21, BellSoftLibericaJDK22, ManicTimeClient #572
  • Fixes an issue with ProtonDrive to account for duplicate keys in the update feed preventing conversion with ConvertTo-Json
  • Updates the URL used for TelerikFiddlerClassic to return the latest version
  • Updates LibreOffice to remove Stable release which was returning the same details from the Latest release only anyway
  • Removes FileZilla #581


  • Adds OmnissaHorizonClient, Elgato4KCaptureUtility, ElgatoAudioEffects, ElgatoCameraHub, ElgatoControlCenter, ElgatoEpocCam, ElgatoGameCapture, ElgatoStreamDeck, ElgatoVideoCapture, ElgatoWaveLink
  • Fixes an issue with MicrosoftAzureDataStudio #708


  • Removes MicrosoftOutlook - new Outlook uses a new update API and we haven't yet found a valid query to that API


  • Update Slack to remove x86 download (which is no longer available)


  • Adds QGIS
  • Updates internal function Get-GitHubRelease to allow returning all releases and then filtering the results in an app function
  • Updates PDFArranger to return the latest Windows release with downloads


  • Renames Invoke-EvergreenApp to Get-EvergreenAppFromApi. Invoke-EvergreenApp remains as the alias
  • Renames Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate to Start-EvergreenLibraryUpdate. Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate remains as the alias
  • Renames Get-EvergreenEndpoint to Get-EvergreenEndpointFromApi. Get-EvergreenEndpoint remains as the alias


  • Removes JetBrainsHub - the update source no longer includes Windows specific update info


  • Adds DockerCompose
  • Updates NETworkManager to return new MSI installers
  • Updates MicrosoftAzureCLI to return x64 and x86 architectures #691
  • Fixes an issue with GoogleChrome where source data returns date value as an array
  • Minor updates to MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection and MicrosoftWvdRtcService


  • Fixes an issue with MicrosoftSsms


  • Adds MicrosoftOpenJDK21, AdoptiumTemurin21, AzulZulu21, Proxyman, RedHatOpenJDK21
  • Adds MicrosoftODBCDriverForSQLServer17 #685, MicrosoftOLEDBDriverForSQLServer18 #686
  • Updates MicrosoftODBCDriverForSQLServer #685, MicrosoftOLEDBDriverForSQLServer18 #686, MicrosoftOLEDBDriverForSQLServer #686
  • Updates MicrosoftSsms with new source URL that should ensure latest version is always found, and simplifies function code #687
  • Updates Resolve-MicrosoftFwLink to support more flexible queries

Breaking Changes

  • Removes VMwareHorizonClient, VMwareOSOptimizationTool, VMwareSDWANClient, VMwareWorkstationPlayer, VMwareWorkstationPro #678


  • Adds AkeoRufusAlt
  • Update Gimp with Revision property #639
  • Updates MicrosoftOneDrive to convert sha256 value from base64 to string #481
  • Update MestrelabMnova to throw an error when update feed is not in the expected format
  • Fix an issue with MozillaFirefox #676
  • Adds ConvertFrom-Base64String private function


  • Adds GoogleChromeForTesting, GoogleChromeHeadlessShell #674
  • Updates MozillaThunderbird with human readable channel names, adds Beta channel, MSIX file types

Breaking Changes

  • Removes ChromiumChromeDriver #674


  • Adds VSCodium
  • Updates MozillaFirefox with additional channels
  • Updates MicrosoftAzureDataStudio to throw if the update feed is unavailable
  • Updates ProtonDrive to throw if the update feed includes parsing issues
  • Updates Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease to use null UserAgent and resolve correct download hosts #669
  • Updates Resolve-InvokeWebRequest with support for Headers, ability to set UserAgent to null
  • Fixes an issue with AdobeConnect
  • Fixes an issue with McNeelRhino #670
  • Fixes TableauDesktop, TableauPrep, TableauReader #658
  • Fixes an issue with Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest with ability to set UserAgent to null #669
  • Adds a custom user agent to Invoke-EvergreenApp to improve reporting on Cloudflare Workers

Breaking Changes

  • Changes values for MozillaFirefox to be human readable #667 #672


  • Fix an issue with date/time conversion on Windows PowerShell for GoogleChrome #668


  • Update default user agent #642
  • Fix an issue with Get-Architecture returning AMD64 #663
  • Adds Get-EvergreenAppFromApi, Start-EvergreenLibraryUpdate aliases. Public functions will be renamed in a future release
  • Fix various issues with help URI links for public functions
  • Update help XML
  • Adds OracleJava22
  • Fixes AdobeDigitalEditions, JetBrainsYouTrack, ProgressChefInfraClient
  • Updates GoogleChrome with start date for each channel


  • Adds DrataAgent
  • Restores LibreOffice - note this function currently returns only the 7.x release of Libre Office
  • Fix DevToys to reference the moved repository
  • Update DockerDesktop to return both MSI and EXE installers
  • Update deviceTRUST to filter update feed for latest Windows installers only


  • Adds Get-EvergreenEndpoint


  • Adds argument completer for Get-EvergreenApp
  • Updates the default user agent used by Evergreen to match Microsoft Edge #642
  • Adds TeraTerm, SUSERancherDesktop #635, GrafanaAgent #628, PlexDesktop, PlexHTPC, PlexMediaServer #270, Flameshot #597, 1PasswordCLI #589, ProtonDrive #595
  • Updates MicrosoftTeams to support Teams 2.0 (removes MicrosoftTeamsPreview), Adds MicrosoftTeamsClassic to return details of Teams 1.0 #625
  • Updates Microsoft365Apps to dynamically determine channel names and removed from hard coded channel details from the manifest #650
  • Fixes the source releases feed for MicrosoftSsms to return current releases #651
  • Updates various functions to use a consistent approach to enabling TLS 1.2 #643
  • Fixes an issue with KubernetesKubectl
  • Fixes an issue with ScooterBeyondCompare to resolve an with XML conversion of the update source feed


  • Adds KubernetesKubectl #634, ProtonVPN #596, eduVPN, AdobeDigitalEditions #621, ClarivateEndNote, DBBrowserforSQLite, JabraDirect, MicrosoftWSL, Npcap, PodmanDesktop, Podman
  • Update URLs for MicrosoftODBCDriverForSQLServer and MicrosoftOLEDBDriverForSQLServer #567
  • Updates Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate #488 #566
  • Updates MicrosoftPowerShell to return msixbundle file type
  • Fixes update source for MasterPackager
  • Address PSScriptAnalyzer issues


  • Adds CitrixShareFile #564, ParallelsClient #577
  • Updates Microsoft.NET for all available supported channels #583
  • Updates mySQLWorkbench download URL
  • Updates source URL used in MicrosoftSsms to fix version numbers
  • Updates DruvainSyncClient for Cloud and GovCloud releases
  • Fix date property on MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection


  • Adds OracleJava21, ZoomVDI
  • Updates RStudio to use the Stable release feed instead of the Dailies feed #554
  • Updates Zoom to use the download JSON found in the Zoom downloads page #555
  • Fixes an issue with OracleJava17 (and all Oracle Java apps) where a later version was returned instead of the release version #558

Breaking Changes

  • Zoom has been split into Zoom and ZoomVDI. These functions also provide different property values. #556


  • Adds OracleJava20, OracleJava17 #381
  • Adds Get-VMwareSDWANClient, MicrosoftODBCDriverForSQLServer, MicrosoftOLEDBDriverForSQLServer
  • Updates GoogleChrome to address missing x86 installers #550
  • Updates GhislerTotalCommander to address version and URL issue #552
  • Updates GitForWindows to address version string issue #511
  • Optimises shared code for Hashicorp apps
  • Optimises shared code for Opera apps
  • Optimises shared code for Oracle Java apps
  • Optimises shared code for VMware apps #474
  • Updates MicrosoftVisualStudio to return release 17


  • Adds UnitySetup #245
  • Updates GoogleChrome to address retirement of update source #546
  • Updates MicrosoftOneDrive to add the Throttle property to assist filtering the current rollout version #547
  • Removes MicrosoftOpenJDK16, MicrosoftOpenJDK8 as binaries are not available


  • Adds BellSoftLibericaJDK20, BellSoftLibericaJDK17, BellSoftLibericaJDK11, BellSoftLibericaJDK8 #539
  • Adds AdoptiumTemurin20, AdoptiumTemurin19 #540
  • Adds MicrosoftOpenJDK17, MicrosoftOpenJDK16, MicrosoftOpenJDK11, MicrosoftOpenJDK8 #540
  • Adds AzulZulu17, AzulZulu11, AzulZulu8 #540
  • Adds RedHatOpenJDK17, RedHatOpenJDK8, RedHatOpenJDK11 #540
  • Updates AdoptiumTemurin apps to optimise shared code
  • Removes AdoptOpenJDK11, AdoptOpenJDK16, AdoptOpenJDK8, AdoptOpenJDKIcedTeaWeb, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru11, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru17, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru18, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru8 #540


  • Adds GoogleChromeDriver #537, ControlUpRemoteDX
  • Adds Get-JetBrainsYouTrack, Get-JetBrainsGateway, Get-JetBrainsHub, Get-JetBrainsTeamCity, JetBrainsToolbox
  • Adds internal function Get-JetBrainsApp for shared code for JetBrains functions


  • Adds DruvainSyncClient #524, JetBrainsCLion, JetBrainsDataGrip, JetBrainsDataSpell, JetBrainsGoLand, JetBrainsPhpStorm, JetBrainsRubyMine, JetBrainsWebStorm
  • Updates JetBrainsIntelliJIDEA, JetBrainsPyCharm
  • Updates OpenLens with additional installer types


  • Fixes an issue in Get-EvergreenApp where -AppParams was not being passed to the application function


  • Adds NodeJs #510, GeoGebraClassic, LehrerOffice, ThymioSuite, TPGiColourContrastAnalyser #519
  • Fixes an issue with MicrosoftVisualStudioCode #518
  • Fixes an issue with jq due to a change in repository
  • Removes CitrixVMTools - Citrix VM Tools requires a login to download #512
  • Updates Get-EvergreenApp to return clearer output when an application function fails


  • Add mySQLWorkbench #499, MicrosoftAzureCLI #506
  • Adds MSI file type to Win32OpenSSH #505
  • Adds Windows Server Hosting and ASP Net Core Runtimes to Microsoft.NET #501
  • Update Get-EvergreenLibraryApp to account for non-standard version numbers #502
  • Update Get-GitHubRepoRelease to support finding a version number from repository tags
  • Fix a duplicate object issue in Anaconda #503
  • Fix an issue in ChromiumChromeDriver where the version doesn't match Google Chrome #500
  • Removes version 3.1 from Microsoft.NET #507


  • Adds OCSInventoryWindowsAgent #496, GoogleDrive #480, gsudo #464
  • Removes HDX RTME from CitrixWorkspaceApp #493
  • Fixes an issue with the -Body parameter on the internal function Invoke-RestMethodWrapper


  • Fixes an issue with MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent where the source no longer returns the download size #490
  • Updates private function GitHubRepoRelease to return a new property InstallerType with values for Portable, User, or Debug based on the installer type. This property has a default value of Default where none of the other types are supported
  • Adds private function Get-InstallerType to determine the installer type
  • Fixes an issue with Export-EvergreenApp where the version property is not a proper version number #491
  • Some small code improvements in public functions


  • Update MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection to remove file size as value is not returned from Microsoft source


  • Fix an issue in Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease.ps1 - fix an issue introduced in 2304.790 on Windows PowerShell where URLs are being returned with \ instead of / - updates the approach to building the file URL path #483


  • Adds MicrosoftTeamsPreview which will return versions and installers for the Microsoft Teams preview. Note: this function will change in a future release once this version of Teams is out of preview
  • Adds ARM64 architecture to MicrosoftOneDrive
  • Updates Minitab by removing version 19 and adding version 21
  • Updates internal function Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease to determine a download mirror and return that in URLs #483


  • Adds GoToConnect #469, MicrosoftAzurePipelinesAgent #472, AutodeskFusion360, GoToConnect #469, PDFArranger #471
  • Adds a temporary fix for VMwareWorkstationPlayer, and VMwareWorkstationPro with new download URLs #474

Breaking Changes

  • Renames LogMeInGoToMeeting and LogMeInGoToOpener to GoToMeeting and GoToOpener


  • Adds ResponsivelyApp
  • Addresses a change in source update data for VMwareHorizonClient #460
  • Fixes an issue in Export-EvergreenApp #463
  • Fixes an issue with AWSCLI where the incorrect version number would be returned
  • Fixes an issue with ESET applications where the version number for a specific language can be higher than other languages, and only releases for a single language is returned #466
  • Reverts changes to the URLs used by OctopusTentacle
  • Fix an issue with incorrect application name and URLs in MicrosoftOutlook #465


  • Fix an issue in Resolve-InvokeWebRequest where a throw would only occur under Windows PowerShell preventing app functions that require loops to exit without returning data #452
  • Fix an issue in Get-EvergreenApp where null was sent to Write-Information


  • Adds Get-EvergreenLibraryApp
  • Fix an issue with OctopusTentacle where URL redirects are not followed


  • Fixes an issue with MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop
  • Removes x86 architecture from OBSStudio


  • Fixes an issue with OBSStudio where the incorrect URI was returned where build number equals 0 #445
  • Updates Invoke-EvergreenApp to check for supported applications before posting a request
  • Updates MozillaFirefox to suppress errors and warning when attempting to return installers for specific languages
  • Updates various private functions to ensure consistent use of throw when encountering an error


  • Fixes filename case for AppVentiX which was causing issues when run on Linux
  • Remove the use of the -Depth parameter when used with ConvertFrom-Json as this is not supported on PowerShell 5.1 #442
  • Code optimisations for various functions via improved Pester tests and code coverage review (CodeCov) including removing code that would never be executed under normal circumstances


  • Adds MicrosoftVdot
  • Adds parameter -UserAgent to Test-EvergreenApp


  • Adds NanaZip #430
  • Adds parameter -UserAgent to Save-EvergreenApp #437 #436


  • Adds GitHubDesktop
  • Fixes GhislerTotalCommander due to change in version number format #423
  • Updates DockerDesktop with release type. Switches installers from MSI to supported EXE installers
  • Updates Zoom with Universal VDI and AVD plug-ins


  • Fixes an issue with returning data for MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection due to a change in the Microsoft source #418. Note: due to a change in the source file name, determining the version is difficult, thus the version string will be returned as-is


  • Adds XnSoftXnViewMP, XnSoftXnConvert #416, KDiff3
  • Adds MicrosoftTerminal, AWSCLI, YubicoAuthenticator


  • Adds SafingPortmaster, VMPlexWorkstation, AdoptOpenJDKIcedTeaWeb, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru18, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru17, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru11, AdoptOpenJDKSemuru8, AirtameApp, MicrosoftAzureWindowsVMAgent #413
  • Adds -SkipCertificateCheck parameter to Get-EvergreenApp - allows for ignoring certificate errors when checking for application updates. Useful for when a vendor forgets to renew a certificate #412; however, data returned should be validated
  • Fixes an issue with FoxitReader and FoxitPDFEditor when resolving the installer URI


  • Updates MozillaFirefox, MozillaThunderbird, CendioThinLinc, MendeleyDesktop, OctopusTentacle to improve performance. Execution time has been improved by 30% or more
  • Remove Unstable channel from ProgressChefWorkstation (which isn't supported by the update API anyway)


  • Adds ProgressChefInfraClient, ProgressChefInSpec, ProgressChefWorkstation
  • Adds ESETSecureAuthentication, ESETEndpointAntivirus, ESETEndpointSecurity, ESETFullDiskEncryption, ESETInspectConnector, ESETPROTECTServer, ESETSecureAuthentication, ESETServerSecurity #347
  • Updates WinMerge to query application updates from GitHub #404
  • Adds proxy server support for the following functions - Get-EvergreenApp, Save-EvergreenApp, Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate. Adds -Proxy and -ProxyCredential arguments. Get-EvergreenApp sets an environment variable for the proxy server address and credential for use by internal app and private functions. Save-EvergreenApp and Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate either use these parameters directly or pass the parameters to other functions
  • Fix spelling on Microsoft365Apps channels #406


  • Adds OpenLens, MicrosoftOutlook, AWSSAMCLI, ChromiumChromeDriver #375, GitExtensions, KeeWeb, Maximus5ConEmu
  • Updates OracleVirtualBox with release channels - STABLE, LATEST, BETA
  • Updates AdobeAcrobatProStdDC to address an issue with the source query, and adds download URIs for x86
  • Fixes MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection where the source URL has changed #401


  • Adds OnlyOfficeDesktopEditors, OperaCryptoBrowser. AdobeConnect #382
  • Updates channels for OperaBrowser #299
  • Updates property output for OperaBrowser and OperaGXBrowser #299


  • Adds PiriformCCleanerFree #291, RizonesoftNotepad3, ZorgmailVeiligVerzendenAddin, SoberLemurPDFSamBasic #390
  • Updates Zoom with additional installers #377
  • Updates AdobeAcrobat with the 64-bit MUI update
  • Fixes missing manifest for ConnectionExperienceIndicator
  • Updates MozillaFirefox with the FIREFOX_ESR_NEXT channel #383


  • Adds TrackerSoftwarePDFXChangeEditor #371, MozillaGeckoDriver #375
  • Adds additional release rings for MicrosoftTeams
  • Updates MicrosoftOneDrive to better handle the update source that returns BOM characters without having to perform a find/replace
  • Updates public functions for better support for -WhatIf #372


  • Updates BitwardenDesktop to fix an issue with a change in GitHub repositories #365
  • Updates VMwareTools to address returning the latest Tools version where that version is not yet bundled with ESXi. #336
  • Updates PDFForgePDFCreator to change the source location for updates and ensure it returns the current version #368


  • Updates Zoom to add x64 and ARM64 support for meetings clients. Updates Platform property to better identify application installer
  • Updates Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate to add installer path to application version information JSON file #362

Breaking Changes

  • The values of the Property property in Zoom have changed. The values are Meetings, Rooms, Plugin, VDI, Citrix, VMware


  • Adds functions to create an Evergreen library - a library is a directory that contains application installers and allows you to keep multiple versions. Functions are New-EvergreenLibrary, Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate, and Get-EvergreenLibrary #357
  • Updates MicrosoftFSLogixApps to revert the source URL to Hey, Microsoft, any chance you could stop changing the source URL please!? #359
  • Updates output from Get-EvergreenApp where a an unsupported value for -Name is specified. Get-EvergreenApp will attempt to output supported similar applications
  • Fixes an issue in AdoptiumTemurin8, AdoptiumTemurin11, AdoptiumTemurin16, AdoptiumTemurin17, AdoptiumTemurin18 to address instances where releases returned from the update feed don't include details for MSI installers #360


  • Adds function Export-EvergreenApp - exports application details gathered by Get-EvergreenApp to an external JSON file. This function reads any existing JSON for that application, adds the new version content, sorts for unique versions, then outputs the new content back to the target JSON file.


  • Updates the approach to detecting new versions in MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop. Uses update details available in JSON format and addresses issue #352
  • Fixes and issue in VMwareTools where the download URL returned doesn't match the latest version available #336
  • Removes hard-coded ErrorAction = Continue in private function Invoke-WebRequestWrapper to enable setting ErrorAction preference when calling this function from an application function


  • Fixes an issue with MozillaThunderbird when attempting to return downloads for the full language list #350


  • Adds AppVentiX #205
  • Updates MozillaThunderbird to align with MozillaFirefox - this function will return en-US as the default language. Additional languages can be passed to MozillaThunderbird via Get-EvergreenApp -AppParams
  • Updates private function Get-GitHubRepoRelease to support authentication to the GitHub API with a personal access token. The function will look for the GITHUB_TOKEN or GH_TOKEN environment variables and use the value of that variable in the authentication request, if the variable exists #195


  • Adds AutoDarkMode #335, CodelerityApacheNetBeans #339, JeremyMainGPUProfiler #337,EgnyteDesktopApp #340
  • Fixes SumatraPDFReader due to changes in download URLs #338


  • Adds DockerDesktop #332
  • Updates 1Password to return 1Password 8.x update; 1Password7 will now continue to return updates for 1Password 7.x #330
  • Addresses an issue in RCoreTeamRforWindows to better handle when the source site is down
  • Updates the source used for MicrosoftFSLogixApps - this is a workaround because Microsoft has changed the link to the FSLogix Apps agent download, again. I really wish they would stop doing that.


  • Adds VMwareOSOptimizationTool
  • Adds VMwareHorizonClientAlt (an alternative method for retrieving details for the VMware Horizon Client.)
  • Fix an issue with VMwareTools due to changes in source data
  • Fix an issue with MattermostDesktop due to changes in releases on the GitHub repository

Breaking Changes

  • The following applications have been removed from Evergreen as they provide only links to downloads rather than direct links to installers - CitrixAppLayeringFeed, CitrixApplicationDeliveryManagementFeed, CitrixEndpointManagementFeed, CitrixGatewayFeed, CitrixHypervisorFeed, CitrixLicensingFeed, CitrixReceiverFeed, CitrixSdwanFeed, CitrixVirtualAppsDesktopsFeed, CitrixWorkspaceAppFeed


  • Adds AdoptiumTemurin18, Tower
  • Adds VMwareWorkstationPlayer, VMwareWorkstationPro #275
  • Updates Resolve-DnsNameWrapper (and GhislerTotalCommander) to work under PowerShell Core using DnsClient-PS. Manual installation of DnsClient-PS on macOS or Linux is required


  • Fixes an issue in TechSmithSnagit and GitForWindows under Linux where filename case was preventing Get-EvergreenApp from sourcing application functions
  • Removes Date property from PuTTY as the value is updated on each query, rather than when the version was released
  • Updates Resolve-DnsNameWrapper with Import-Module -Name "DnsClient" to ensure the Resolve-DnsName command is available


  • Updates RStudio with new update sources for all curren branches and now returns Free and Pro editions #318
  • Fixes an issue with installers returned by MicrosoftEdgeDriver and MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime
  • Updates McNeelRhino to work under PowerShell 6/7 - resolves an issue when using Invoke-RestMethod which does not follow a HTTP 302 response

Breaking Changes

  • RStudio returns new properties that will require filtering the output. Properties include: Branch, Channel, ProductName, and InstallerName


  • Fixes MicrosoftSsms to address returning the latest version and binaries #305
  • Fixes an issue in MicrosoftEdge, MicrosoftEdgeDriver, MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime where versions were sorted differently between PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell to ensure the correct versions are returned #311
  • Fixes an issue in VeraCrypt where the version string returned was not correct


  • Adds AdobeAcrobatProStdDC to return the current version number and the trial installer for Adobe Acrobat DC Standard and Pro
  • Fixes a regression introduced in version 2204.534 where AdobeAcrobatReaderDC was renamed to AdobeAcrobatReader


  • Adds Test-EvergreenApp that enables testing of installers returned by Save-EvergreenApp to determine whether the URI is valid
  • Adds AdobeAcrobatDC that uses an alternative method to AdobeAcrobat to determine the current version of Adobe Acrobat Standard/Pro DC and Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. AdobeAcrobat has been left as-is to avoid a breaking change and to continue to provide updates for earlier versions of Acrobat / Reader updates
  • Adds Obsidian #310, ScreenToGif
  • Updates MicrosoftEdge, MicrosoftEdgeDriver, MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime to ensure that the correct versions are returned for the Enterprise view for Edge installers #311
  • Updates various functions to use Write-Error instead of throw to ensure that functions continue where a specific query for an installer fails #306

Breaking Changes

  • Updates the approach used in AdobeAcrobatReaderDC to determine the version and available downloads for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Adobe has changed the available enterprise installers at #312


  • Adds DevToys, DebaucheeBarrier
  • Update Save-EvergreenApp to return error code on download failure instead of Throw. This allows the function to continue when multiple objects are passed into the function


  • Adds HashicorpPacker, HashicorpBoundary, HashicorpVault, HashicorpWaypoint, HashicorpConsul, HashicorpTerraform, HashicorpNomad #241


  • Adds TogglDesktop #281, OperaBrowser #299, OperaGXBrowser #299
  • Adds Hindi language to AdobeAcrobatReaderDC to add the MUI installer to the list of returned installers #297
  • Updates the approach used in Microsoft365Apps to find branch version details #294. The previous approach would occasionally list incorrect versions



  • Adds ImageMagickStudioImageMagick #242, Miniconda #246, TorProjectTorBrowser #246, #276
  • Adds AdoptiumTemurin8, AdoptiumTemurin11, AdoptiumTemurin16, AdoptiumTemurin17 and addresses #273 #199,
  • Updates MicrosoftOneDrive with new update sources and adds more update channels. Now includes: Production, Enterprise, Insider, InternalSlow, InternalFast #269
  • Updates MicrosoftTeams with new approach for dynamically determining download URLs and adds .exe installers
  • Updates Microsoft.NET due to changes in source location for .NET 6. Dynamically finds installer source URLs and provides windowsdesktop, runtime, sdk installers. Includes .NET 6.0, 5.0 and 3.1 #278
  • Updates FoxitPDFEditor to fix an issue with changes to language properties from the update source #274
  • Updates GitHubRelease with additional file types to return by default Thanks to @JonathanPitre


  • Adds -CustomPath parameter to Save-EvergreenApp - allows for specifying a specific target directory for downloads instead of building the directory structure automatically from the input object #260
  • Adds OctopusDeployServer #238, OctopusTentacle #239, 7ZipZS #232, PDF24Creator #258, MicrosoftEdgeDriver #262, MirantisLens #248, GeekSoftwarePDF24Creator #256
  • Adds dbeaver, MattermostDesktop, PuTTY #255. Thanks to @BornToBeRoot
  • Adds VisualCppRedistAIO #250, OpenWebStart #263. Thanks to @JonathanPitre
  • Updates MozillaFirefox to output MSIX file type and ARM64 architecture
  • Updates AmazonCorretto to include version 17 #249
  • Updates GoogleChrome to include channels Dev and Beta #243
  • Updates source URI for MicrosoftFSLogixApps due to changes in source #259
  • Fixes URI values for SumatraPDFViewer due to changes in source #211
  • Fixes URI values for FoxitReader due to changes in source #261

Breaking Changes

  • Removes all default languages from MozillaFirefox and includes en-US only. Any supported languages can be passed to MozillaFirefox by passing a hashtable to -AppParams. For example: Get-EvergreenApp -Name "MozillaFirefox" -AppParams @{Language="en-GB", "es-ES"}
  • Removes FIREFOX_ESR_NEXT from MozillaFirefox as the Firefox update feed is not including the version number


  • Fixes an issue with AdobeAcrobat where the string returned from the Adobe update API added a new line after the version number #233
  • Adds GhislerTotalCommander #229, PaintDotNetOfflineInstaller #235, TelerikFiddlerClassic, voidtoolsEverything #230
  • Adds USBPcap. Thanks to Dan Gough
  • Updates method used to determine version and download for JSAP
  • Adds private function Resolve-DnsNameWrapper to resolve DNS TXT records. Used by GhislerTotalCommander. Currently supports Windows only

Breaking Changes


  • Adds MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime, MicrosoftBotFrameworkEmulator, Naps2, SmartBearSoapUI, NevcairielLAVFilters
  • Adds the parameter -AppParams to Get-EvergreenApp that takes a hashtable of parameters to be passed to the internal application functions. Right now, this will only work with GitHubRelease - enabling Evergreen to return the releases for any GitHub repository with Windows releases that you pass via -AppParams
  • Updates the approach used for TelegramDesktop, because Telegram posts a release to GitHub that doesn't match the latest Windows release

Breaking Changes

  • Updates the channel names, and adds additional channels, in Microsoft365Apps - this release adds all available Microsoft 365 Apps channels - FirstReleaseCurrent, Insiders, Monthly, Current, MonthlyEnterprise, Deferred, Broad, Targeted, FirstReleaseDeferred, Perpetual2019, PerpetualVL2019
  • Disables CiscoWebEx - function is unable to return the current WebEx version using the existing method and no working method has been found


  • Adds deviceTRUST
  • Fixes an issue in Save-EvergreenApp when the path specified in the -Path parameter does not exist
  • Updates LibreOffice to gracefully handle download a scenario where the The Document Foundation pulls the download links for a published version #218

Breaking Changes

  • Updates Postman with x86 and x64 architecture
  • Updates LibreOffice with Release property with a value of Still or Fresh


  • Adds FoxitPDFEditor
  • Adds FreedomScientificFusion, FreedomScientificJAWS, FreedomScientificZoomText, MestrelabMnova, jrsoftwareInnoSetup. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Updates the process used to determine updates in TableauDesktop. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Updates DatePattern in PSFPython to return the correct localised date
  • Updates AdobeReaderDC with internal function Invoke-RestMethodWrapper replacing direct use of Invoke-RestMethod
  • Updates MicrosoftWvdBootloader, MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent, MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop, MicrosoftWvdRtcService, OracleVirtualBox, and LibreOffice to use internal function Invoke-WebRequestWrapper replacing direct use of Invoke-WebRequest
  • Updates internal function Invoke-WebRequestWrapper with parameter -ReturnObject to enable application functions to return Headers, Content, RawContent etc.
  • Updates internal function Invoke-WebRequestWrapper with parameter -Method that allows, Default, Head, Post, etc., required by various application functions


  • Adds SignalDesktop
  • Updates MicrosoftAzureCoreFunctionTools to return MSI installers #213
  • Updates CitrixWorkspaceApp to return a Stream property that includes a value of Current or LTSR
  • Updates LibreOffice #171, CitrixWorkspaceApp, OracleJava8, MicrosoftSsms to use Invoke-RestMethodWrapper to avoid needing to convert update feed into XML simplifying the code

Breaking Changes

  • Renames AtlassianBitbucket to AtlassianSourcetree #177


  • Adds jq, PSAppDeployToolkit
  • Adds Anaconda, McNeelRhino, PSFPython, TableauPrep, TableauReader, TechSmithCamtasia, TechSmithSnagit. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Updates Get-GitHubRepoRelease to actively query the GitHub API for available requests to avoid issues when rate limited
  • Updates Get-GitHubRepoRelease with a new parameter - -ReturnVersionOnly that enables returning only the version property of the latest release. This enables finding the version number and using alternative download sources, where the vendor does not include binary releases on the GitHub repository


  • Adds BlueJ, Postman, TableauDesktop. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Adds MicrosoftAzureFunctionsCoreTools, MasterPackager
  • Updates Get-EvergreenApp to sort output on the Version property in descending order
  • Updates internal functions Invoke-SystemNetRequest, Invoke-WebRequestWrapper, Resolve-InvokeWebRequest, Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest to not throw in the event of a source URL being unavailable, to allow for more graceful handling of vendor sources being temporarily unavailable


  • Adds CendioThinLinc, JASP, JetBrainsIntelliJIDEA, JetBrainsPyCharm, MendeleyDesktop, MiniZincIDE, Minitab, MuseScore, Pandoc, Protege, RDAnalyzer, RStudio, SafeExamBrowser, Zotero. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Updates MicrosoftWindowsPackageManagerClient to return the .appxbundle installer
  • Fixes an issue in Save-EvergreenApp when calling Remove-Variable


  • Adds AmazonCorretto, ArtifexGhostscript, FreeFem, Gephi, Praat, SAGAGIS, Scratch, TeXstudio, gretl. Thanks to @adotcoop
  • Updates private function Get-Architecture with additional processor architecture detections
  • Updates private function Get-GitHubRepoRelease to return a custom object if the GitHub API is rate limited

Breaking Changes

  • Remove portable installers and .zip file types from Notepad++


  • Adds AkeoRufus #179, BlenderLauncher #178
  • Updates MicrosoftFSLogixApps to return both the production and preview releases #176
  • Updates Veracrypt to return the complete version number (e.g. 1.24-Update7) #166

Breaking Changes

  • Adds the Production and Preview channels to MicrosoftFSLogixApps that will require filtering with Where-Object


  • Update VMwareHorizonClient with additional filtering to select the latest version correctly to address #161
  • Add internal function Save-File to download a URL with Invoke-WebRequest and return the downloaded file path
  • Update internal application functions for consistent use of Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest to address #174 - Get-FoxitReader, Get-LogMeInGoToOpener, Get-MicrosoftSsms, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudio, Get-RingCentral, Get-Slack
  • Update references to documentation site to


  • Adds CiscoWebEx (#141), VeraCrypt (#160), KarakunOpenWebStart (#163)
  • Updates MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop with the Preview release and fixes source URLs for the public release
  • Adds ARM64 architecture to MicrosoftTeams #162
  • Adds MSI file type to Wireshark
  • Updates internal function Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease with improvements to find releases and download URIs


  • Adds Audacity, Wireshark (#153), LogMeInGoToMeeting (#152), LogMeInGoToOpener
  • Updates AdobeAcrobat to include Reader updates for 2015, 2017, 2020
  • Updates AdobeAcrobat to include 64-bit updates for Reader and Acrobat DC

Breaking Changes

  • Adds the Architecture property to AdobeAcrobat


  • Fixes an issue with Remove-Variable in Save-EvergreenApp Fix #149
  • Updates Save-EvergreenApp to skip downloading a file if it already exists and adds support for -Force
  • Updates help for Save-EvergreenApp
  • Adds nb-NO language support to MozillaFirefox Fix #146


  • Adds ImageGlass, MicrosoftAzureStorageExplorer, Nomacs, Notable, OBSStudio
  • Updates URL used by TeamViewer to return the current version #147
  • Updates Save-EvergreenApp to output the result of Get-ChildItem as the output to the pipeline
  • Updates module to use external help MAML-based help with platyPS to make updating help content easier
  • General code improvements


  • Changes FoxitReader to return MSI installers instead of EXEs. Removes Elex, Portuguese (Portugal), and Turkish language support from this application because the installers returned are out of date.
  • Adds the following languages to AdobeAcrobatReaderDC: Swedish, Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Turkish, Ukrainian
  • Adds a known issues list to the documentation:


  • Adds the Consumer release (to the existing Enterprise release) and Dev, Beta channels, and ARM64 architecture to MicrosoftEdge
  • Adds 64-bit architecture to MicrosoftOneDrive
  • Adds BeekeeperStudio, VMwareHorizonClient, AdoptOpenJDK 8, AdoptOpenJDK 11, AdoptOpenJDK 16
  • Modifies Get-EvergreenApp to load internal per-application functions on demand, instead of loading all of these function into memory at module import
  • Updates Get-CitrixRssFeed to use Invoke-RestMethod to simplify handling of the XML feed
  • Updates various functions to Throw more consistently when encountering errors
  • General code improvements


  • BREAKING CHANGE: This version removes the Get- function for each application and introduces Get-EvergreenApp. See the docs site on how to use the new functions
  • Adds Get-EvergreenApp, Find-EvergreenApp and Save-EvergreenApp
  • Adds file type to SourceForge applications
  • Re-instates ControlUpAgent and ControlUpConsole
  • Fixes the LTS release in Microsoft.NET
  • Fixes localised date format for Gimp, GoogleChrome, MicrosoftEdge, MicrosoftFSLogixApps, MicrosoftSsms, FoxitReader
  • Migrates tests to Pester 5
  • Adds additional Pester tests for private functions
  • General code optimisations and fixes


  • Fixes an issue with Get-AdobeAcrobat to ensure that Track property has the correct value (DC, 2020, etc.) and the Language property (Neutral, Multi) #130


  • Adds Get-NETworkManager, Get-Anki
  • Updates Get-AdobeAcrobat to include updates for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. This function now returns updates for both Acrobat Pro and Reader
  • Retrieve the installers for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC with Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC and any available updates with Get-AdobeAcrobat
  • Temporarily disables Get-ControlUpAgent and Get-ControlUpConsole


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftAzureDataStudio, Get-ControlUpConsole
  • Updates Get-ControlUpAgent to use the published JSON at - the last vestiges of any screen scraping code have been swept away
  • Updates Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC to account for the new 64-bit version of Reader to add #121. Filter with Where-Object to return the required version, language and architecture

Breaking Changes

  • Adds Architecture property and removes Type property from the output of Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC
  • Removes the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC updaters from Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC as there is no consistent automated method to determine whether an update is required or optional
  • Changes the output of Get-ControlUpAgent - the values in the Framework property have changed and the function only returns the most recent agent version


  • Renames function Get-AdobeAcrobatProDC to Get-AdobeAcrobat and includes support for returning updates for Adobe Acrobat Pro/Standard DC, 2020, 2017, and 2015. Addresses #114
  • Alias Get-AdobeAcrobatProDC included for backward compatibility
  • Adds Preview ring to Get-MicrosoftTeams
  • Updates function comment-based help and corrects spelling across several functions

Breaking Changes

  • Adds Track property to Get-AdobeAcrobat with values of DC, 2020, 2017, 2015 - filter with Where-Object
  • Adds Ring property to Get-MicrosoftTeams for General (i.e., current / production ring) and Preview rings - filter with Where-Object


  • Adds the ARM architecture to Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode
  • Updates Get-MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop to output the URI property value in the format instead of the original fwlink source URL (e.g.
  • Updates the following functions to use Invoke-RestMethod (via Invoke-RestMethodWrapper) instead of Invoke-WebRequest to simplify code and fix an issue where some functions where returning Version as a PSObject instead of System.String (#109)
  • Get-AtlassianBitbucket, Get-Cyberduck, Get-FileZilla, Get-Fork, Get-RingCentral, Get-ScooterBeyondCompare, Get-SumatraPDFReader, Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer
  • Updates module ReleaseNotes location to:


  • Renames Get-MicrosoftOffice, to Get-Microsoft365Apps to align with product name. The alias Get-MicrosoftOffice is included for backward compatibility
  • Adds the Monthly Enterprise channel to Get-Microsoft365Apps output. See #107
  • Adds private function Invoke-RestMethodWrapper to enable normalisation across public functions and PowerShell/Windows PowerShell that use Invoke-RestMethod
  • Updates private function Get-GitHubRepoRelease to use Invoke-RestMethodWrapper
  • Updates several public functions to use Invoke-RestMethodWrapper instead of the previous method of Invoke-WebRequest | ConvertTo-Json - Get-1Password, Get-CitrixVMTools, Get-FoxitReader, Get-GoogleChrome, Get-Microsoft365Apps, Get-MicrosoftEdge, Get-MicrosoftTeams, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode, Get-MozillaFirefox, Get-MozillaThunderbird
  • Updates public functions that used Invoke-RestMethod to use Invoke-RestMethodWrapper instead - Get-Gimp, Get-MicrosoftPowerShell, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudio
  • Renames private function Invoke-WebContent to Invoke-WebRequestWrapper and makes general improvements to the handling of Invoke-WebRequest
  • Renames private function ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson to Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease
  • Updates and optimises this function to make use of Invoke-RestMethodWrapper so that it can query a SourceForge repository and return the required output in a single function
  • Simplifies code in public functions that return SourceForge releases - Get-7zip, Get-KeePass, Get-PDFForgePDFCreator, Get-ProjectLibre, Get-WinMerge, Get-WinSCP
  • Renames private functions for more descriptive function names (these resolve HTTP 301/302 return codes):
  • Resolve-Uri to Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest
  • Resolve-RedirectedUri to Resolve-InvokeWebRequest

Breaking Changes

  • Removes parameter from several functions (below) to simplify existing functions and support a move to a single Get-EvergreenApp function
  • Removes the -Channel and -Platform parameters from Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode. Filter output using Where-Object on the Channel and Platform parameters on the function output
  • Removes the -Language parameter from Get-MozillaFirefox and Get-MozillaThunderbird. Filter output using Where-Object { $_.Language -eq "en-US" } or similar. These functions will return the following languages (for additional languages, please open an issue on the project): en-US, en-GB, en-CA, es-ES, sv-SE, pt-BR, pt-PT, de, fr, it, ja, nl, zh-CN, zh-TW, ar, hi-IN, ru


  • Adds Get-AtlassianBitbucket, Get-TelegramDesktop, Get-Gimp, Get-BitwardenDesktop, Get-MicrosoftBicep
  • Updates Get-MicrosoftPowerShell to return both the Stable and LTS releases of PowerShell

Breaking Changes

  • Update output of Get-MicrosoftOneDrive - changes property Sha256Hash to Sha256 to be consistent with other functions
  • Adds a Release property to the output of Get-MicrosoftPowerShell - use Where-Object to filter on Stable or LTS


  • Adds Get-AdobeBrackets, Get-Fork, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudio, Get-VercelHyper
  • Updates manifest for MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop to ensure evergreen source URLs used for resolving downloads
  • Updates manifest for MicrosoftVisualStudioCode


  • Adds Get-Terminals, Get-PeaZipPeaZip, Get-Slack, Get-MicrosoftWindowsPackageManagerClient, Get-KeePassXCTeamKeePassXC, Get-SumatraPDFReader
  • Renames Get-Atom, to Get-GitHubAtom to better align with vendor name. The alias Get-Atom is included for backward compatibility
  • Fixes an issue with Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC - Adobe doesn't use HTTPS with their download locations yet. See #99
  • Updates Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC to simplify code and better align manifest with standard structure


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop, Get-MozillaThunderbird, Get-ProjectLibre, Get-RingCentral, Get-RCoreTeamRforWindows, Get-StefansToolsgregpWin
  • Renames Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore to Get-MicrosoftPowerShell - PowerShell Core was renamed to PowerShell with the release of PowerShell 7.0. The alias Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore is included for backward compatibility
  • Fixes an issue with Get-GitHubRelease that ignored anything passed to the -Uri parameter
  • Adds the MSIX format to the output of Get-MicrosoftOneDrive - filter output with the Type property (I'm not really sure how useful MSIX format for the OneDrive client is right now though...)
  • Adds the VboxGuestAdditions ISO to the output of Get-OracleVirtualBox - filter output with the Type property
  • Refactors Get-Zoom to simplify function code and improve output
  • Updates version output for Get-MicrosoftWvdRtcService and Get-MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent
  • Updates manifest for a number of functions to better align with an updated standard structure (see Manifests/Template.json)

Breaking Changes

  • Output of Get-MicrosoftOneDrive has changed - Platform has been removed and Type has been added
  • Output of Get-OracleVirtualBox has changed - Type property has been added
  • Output of Get-Zoom has changed - filter output with the Platform and Type properties


  • Adds Get-AdobeAcrobatProDC, Get-TelerikFiddlerEverywhere, Get-1Password
  • Adds Windows Installer downloads output to Get-FoxitReader
  • Updates Get-MicrosoftSsms to query an evergreen update URL to gather new versions from the product releases feed
  • NOTE: the version of SSMS in the releases feed is not the actual current release version - we can only work with what the feed returns; See #82
  • Updates Get-MicrosoftSsms to output all supported languages for downloads - filter output on the Language property
  • Updates Get-MozillaFirefox to return both Exe and Msi versions of the Firefox installer
  • Adds SHA256 hash property to output from Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode
  • Fixes an issue with the URI output in Get-Cyberduck that was returning an additional / character
  • Refactors private function to query the GitHub releases API (Get-GitHubRepoRelease, replacing ConvertFrom-GitHubReleasesJson) to use Invoke-RestMethod for simpler public functions used to return GitHub releases
  • Updates the following functions to use Get-GitHubRepoRelease - Get-Atom, Get-AdoptOpenJdk, Get-BISF, Get-dnGrep, Get-GitForWindows, Get-GitHubRelease, Get-Greenshot, Get-Handbrake, Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore, Get-MicrosoftPowerToys, Get-mRemoteNG, Get-NotepadPlusPlus, Get-OpenJDK, Get-OpenShellMenu, Get-ShareX, Get-Win32OpenSSH, Get-WixToolSet
  • Updates manifest for a number of functions to better align with an updated standard structure (see Manifests/Template.json)
  • Updates private function ConvertTo-DateTime to better handle date/time format conversion. Still some improvements to be made here

Breaking Changes

  • Updates Get-OpenJDK to return only Msi releases and removes Debug, zip etc. On-going improvements - see #76
  • Removes Beta and Snapshots releases from Get-Cyberduck
  • Removes Debug releases from Get-Greenshot
  • Removes SafeMode releases from Get-Handbrake
  • Removes Beta channel and ARM64 releases from Get-MicrosoftEdge
  • Removes Zip format releases from Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore
  • Removes Symbols releases from Get-Win32OpenSSH


  • Adds Get-Microsoft.NET (.NET 5.0 and .NET Core), Get-Win32OpenSSH, Get-MicrosoftPowerToys
  • Updates Get-OpenJDK to return all releases. Further filtering will be added in the future per #76
  • Updates Get-MozillaFirefox to resolve download URIs for both EXE and MSI Firefox installers and updates output with additional properties (Architecture, Channel and Type). See #83.
  • Note: this introduces a breaking change - the -Platform switch has been removed, you will need to filter the output on the Architecture property
  • Updates Get-AdobeAcrobatReader to return additional languages #84. Note that Reader DC does not provide the latest version for all languages - it may be a better approach to use the MUI version of the Reader installer if your language is supported


  • Update Get-FileZilla to fix invalid download URI returned from the FileZilla update feed. Fix #75
  • Update Get-Cyberduck to remove code that replaces // with /. Returns unfiltered URL from Cyberduck update feed. Fix #75


  • Fix Get-FoxitReader with changes to download page in FoxitReader.json. Address #72
  • Fix Get-Zoom with changes to resolved URIs. Address #73
  • Update MicrosoftWvdRtcService.json to new version of the Microsoft Remote Desktop WebRTC Redirector Service
  • Update Resolve-Uri with additional verbose output


  • Renames Get-CitrixXenServerTools to Get-CitrixVMTools and adds Get-CitrixXenServerTools alias
  • Updates Get-CitrixVMTools with new release URL for v7 updates and add v9 updates
  • Updates install command lines for Get-CitrixVMTools
  • Adds Get-AdoptOpenJDK - closes #69


  • Fix path in downloads from apps hosted on Source Forge returned in ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson.ps1. Fixes #67
  • Update Get-MozillaFirefox to return Extended Support Release as well as Current Release. Address #61
  • Update manifests to address #57 #54 #53 #52


  • Removes Size property from Get-FoxitReader because this isn't being gathered consistently for each download
  • Updates version / releases feed for Get-MicrosoftSsms to ensure the current version is returned
  • Updates the way private function ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson returns available downloads from SourceForge
  • Updates Get-7zip, Get-KeePass, Get-PDFForgePDFCreator and Get-WinMerge to support new approach to retrieving SourceForge downloads


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftWvdBootLoader - Get the filename and download URL for the Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop Remote Desktop Boot Loader
  • Updates Get-FoxitReader to sort release versions correctly and return latest (v10.x)


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftWvdRtcService - returns the version, filename and download for the Microsoft Remote Desktop WebRTC Redirector service for Windows Virtual Desktop


  • Updates Get-VMwareTools to return the very latest version with updated download URL
  • Adds Get-WixToolset


  • Fixes an issue where Get-MicrosoftEdge was only returning ARM64 downloads
  • Updates Get-MicrosoftEdge to only return downloads for the Enterprise ring (removed Consumer ring)
  • Fixes an issue with Get-MicrosoftTeams where it was returning an incorrect download URL


  • Updates Get-MicrosoftEdge to correctly return the latest version and policy files for the Enterprise ring
  • Updates output for private function Resolve-Uri with addition properties
  • Updates Get-FoxitReader, Get-MicrosoftFSLogixApps, and Get-MicrosoftSsms to use Resolve-Uri instead of Resolve-RedirectedUri for improved performance
  • Updates Get-LibreOffice to retrieve latest version from the update API instead of page scraping
  • Updates private function ConvertTo-DateTime with improvements in returning localised date (so the rest of us don't need to be stuck with US date formats)
  • Aligns Get-NotepadPlusPlus with private function ConvertFrom-GitHubReleasesJson to return GitHub release data
  • Fixes output in Get-VMwareTools to ensure correct version and download URL are returned
  • Adds date to output in several functions
  • General code and inline help improvements
  • Adds module icon for display in the PowerShell Gallery


  • Updates Get-MicrosoftEdge with the following:
  • Returns Edge for Windows only
  • Removes -Channels and -Platforms parameters. Filter output with Where-Object instead
  • Returns these channels and downloads only Stable, Beta, EdgeUpdate, and Policy (administrative templates)
  • Filters and returns only the latest version of each of the above channels and downloads
  • Output includes Channel (Stable, Beta etc.) and Release (Enterprise, Consumer) to enable filtering


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent
  • Adds Get-dnGrep
  • Recode of Get-PaintDotNet (or how did I not know about ConvertFrom-StringData before?)
  • To simplify output, removes Linux, macOS output from Get-CitrixWorkspaceApp, Get-GoogleChrome, Get-OracleVirtuaBox, Get-LibreOffice, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode, Get-MozillaFirefox, Get-OracleVirtualBox, Get-TeamViewer
  • Updates RegEx method to extract version across various functions to simplify code
  • Splits Pester tests for Public functions to allow for faster local testing


  • Adds Get-Handbrake, Get-KeePass, Get-OpenShellMenu, Get-VastLimitsUberAgent, Get-WinSCP
  • Removes macOS and Linux output from Get-AdobeAcrobatReader, Get-LibreOffice
  • Filters macOS and Linux output from private function ConvertFrom-GitHubReleasesJson.ps1
  • Fixes spaces in private function ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson


  • Adds private function ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson to convert JSON release info from SourceForge projects and simplify adding additional functions that pull release info from SourceForge projects. Release information is limited by what's provided from SourceForge
  • Updates Get-WinMerge to use ConvertFrom-SourceForgeReleasesJson
  • Adds Get-7Zip, Get-PDFForgePDFCreator
  • Renames -TrustCertificate parameter in private function Invoke-WebContent to -SkipCertificateCheck to align with -SkipCertificateCheck available in 'Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell Core
  • Enables -SkipCertificateCheck for both PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell in Invoke-WebContent. Previously supported Windows PowerShell only
  • Improves code in Invoke-WebContent
  • Adds -Uri parameter validation in Get-GitHubRelease to ensure valid GitHub URLs are passed to the function
  • Sets function global ErrorPreference to Stop to ensure better exception output from functions in the event of failures


  • Adds ConvertFrom-GitHubReleasesJson to standardise queries to GitHub repositories
  • Updates Get-Atom, Get-BISF, Get-GitForWindows, Get-Greenshot, Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore, Get-OpenJDK, Get-ShareX, Get-mRemoteNG to use ConvertFrom-GitHubReleasesJson
  • Updates RegEx for version matching strings for BISF, GitForWindows, ShareX
  • Adds Get-Architecture and Get-Platform private functions
  • Adds Get-GitHubRelease to enable returning version and downloads from any GitHub repository. Use to get versions of applications on GitHub that aren't yet included in Evergreen


  • Fixes an issue where Get-Zoom was still returning a URI to downloads with query strings attached.


  • Updates URL to current version for TeamViewer. New URL requires different approach to query
  • Adds Invoke-SystemNetRequest that uses System.Net.WebRequest to make a HTTP request and return response
  • Updates Get-TeamViewer to use Invoke-SystemNetRequest to retrieve version from updated URL. Updates code to return version and download URL as a result
  • Updates Get-Zoom to use Resolve-Uri to follow download URLs and find version number. Get-Zoom now returns more versions numbers for Zoom downloads than previously. Updates RegEx approach that returns version numbers from download URLs


  • Adds back Get-FileZilla using the application update API. Currently returns only the 64-bit version of FileZilla for Windows.


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftOneDrive. We recommend validating versions returned by this function with OneDrive release notes
  • Removes Get-FileZilla until a more robust process to return versions and download can be created
  • Removes progress bar for Invoke-WebRequest for faster query of APIs
  • Updates Get-NotepadPlusPlus to use the GitHub releases API to find new versions as the application update API can be out of date


  • Updates Get-GitForWindows to return correct version number
  • Updates Get-Zoom to return version number correctly
  • Adds Resolve-Uri with a new method of returning redirects from 301/302 via @iainbrighton


  • Updates Get-FileZilla to return 32-bit and 64-bit download URIs


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftTeams
  • Update error handling in Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftEdge for the new Chromium based Microsoft Edge
  • Additional verbose output in Invoke-WebContent


  • Adds Get-ScooterBeyondCompare
  • Updates XML parsing approach in Get-CitrixRssFeed, Get-CitrixWorkspaceApp, Get-NotepadPlusPlus, Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer


  • Adds private function Resolve-RedirectedUri to handle resolving 301/302 redirects on PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell
  • Updates Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer, Get-MicrosoftSsms, Get-FoxitReader, Get-MicrosoftFSLogixApps, Get-Zoom with full support for PowerShell Core
  • Updates logic to filter out prerelease assets in Get-Atom, Get-BISF, Get-GitForWindows, Get-Greenshot, Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore, Get-OpenJDK, Get-ShareX, Get-mRemoteNG
  • Prevents Get-MicrosoftSsms, Get-CitrixRssFeed, Get-Cyberduck, Get-OracleJava8 from throwing on error
  • Updates to application manifests with some work on silent install commands


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftFSLogixApps


  • Fixes version match in Get-ControlUpAgent


  • Adds Get-Cyberduck



  • Changes approach used in Get-ControlUpAgent to retrieve agent details and enables PowerShell Core support
  • Implemented per-application manifests (URLs, RegEx, strings etc.) for simpler function management
  • Adds Export-EvergreenFunctionStrings to export per-application manifests
  • Renames function Get-Java8 to Get-OracleJava8
  • Adds Pester tests for Public functions to ensure URI properties are valid


  • Updates Get-LibreOffice update query approach to provide a more consistent output
  • Updates Get-LibreOffice to work on PowerShell Core
  • Changes Get-LibreOffice output and parameters to align with other functions
  • Updates Get-NotepadPlusPlus to gracefully handle update server issues (CloudFlare DDOS challenges)
  • Fixes version output in Get-OpenJDK
  • Updates Get-mRemoteNG with handling issues when getting Updates
  • Updates to Public function Pester tests
  • Updates Evergreen.json with consistent property naming and corresponding functions


  • Updates Get-MicrosoftSsms to ensure that the URI property returns the correct SSMS download for the latest version


  • Adds Get-WinMerge


  • Updates Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer output to include ZIP and MSI links for VLC Player for Windows


  • Updates Get-MicrosoftSsms to URL (e.g. to return actual URI


  • Updates Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer to return download mirrors for URI values


  • Adds Get-Atom and Get-TeamViewer


  • Update Get-Zoom to the same HTTP post as to return the download URI. Returns download for Windows and VDI environments
  • Build script changes


  • Adds Get-mRemoteNG
  • Update version format to YearMonth.Build (hopefully we won't change this again)
  • Automate versioning in the module to the new format
  • Automate update of appveyor.yml as YearMonth changes
  • Output variables in AppVeyor to \tests\


  • Adds Get-OpenJDK
  • Changes version notation to: YearMonth.Day.Build


  • Adds Get-MicrosoftOffice


  • Fixes URIs for updates in Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC
  • Adds additional Pester tests for Public functions to ensure generated URI values are valid


  • Adds Get-FoxitReader


  • Fixes output in Get-GitForWindows, Get-MicrosoftSmss


  • Adds Get-GitForWindows, Get-ShareX


  • Adds Get-Java8


  • Adds Get-BISF
  • Adds ConvertTo-DateTime private function to handle DateTime conversion on PowerShell Core / Windows PowerShell


  • First version pushed to the PowerShell Gallery
  • Initial functions are:

Export-EvergreenResourceStrings, Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC, Get-CitrixAppLayeringFeed, Get-CitrixApplicationDeliveryManagementFeed, Get-CitrixEndpointManagementFeed, Get-CitrixGatewayFeed, Get-CitrixHypervisorFeed, Get-CitrixLicensingFeed, Get-CitrixReceiverFeed, Get-CitrixSdwanFeed, Get-CitrixVirtualAppsDesktopsFeed, Get-CitrixWorkspaceApp, Get-CitrixWorkspaceAppFeed, Get-CitrixXenServerTools, Get-ControlUpAgent, Get-FileZilla, Get-GoogleChrome, Get-Greenshot, Get-LibreOffice, Get-MicrosoftPowerShellCore, Get-MicrosoftSsms, Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode, Get-MozillaFirefox, Get-NotepadPlusPlus, Get-OracleVirtualBox, Get-PaintDotNet, Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer, Get-VMwareTools, Get-Zoom