Synergy 2015 Session Replay - I've Got 99 Problems and Folder Redirection is Every One of Them

Synergy 2015 Session Replay - I've Got 99 Problems and Folder Redirection is Every One of Them

Citrix have made available the recording of our session at Synergy 2015 in Orlando - I’ve Got 99 Problems and Folder Redirection is Every One of Them. This is a standard 45-minute, level 400 session. Shawn and I will be repeating this as a 75-minute session at BriForum Denver with additional content and testing scenarios.

Looking forward to Citrix Synergy 2015

Looking forward to Citrix Synergy 2015

Citrix Synergy 2015 is just next week, so for me that means several things - attending CTP meetings (from about 8:00 am to 9:00 pm each day) on the Sunday and Monday, presenting a Geek Speak Live session on Tuesday, helping to man the Atlantis booth on the solutions expo floor, taking part in Geek Speak on Wednesday evening, meet old and new friends and generally have some fun.

Replies in Outlook for Mac

Replies in Outlook for Mac

There’s a particular behaviour in Outlook for Mac, that for several years I have thought was a bug. If you reply to an email, you often only get some of the text from the original email, rather than the entire email being copied into the reply. Like this:

Webinar Replay: How Folder Redirection Impacts User Experience and Breaks Applications

Webinar Replay: How Folder Redirection Impacts User Experience and Breaks Applications

Last week, thanks to, Helge Klein and I presented a webinar titled: How Folder Redirection Impacts User Experience and Breaks Applications. This was a great webinar for us to present thanks to Eric. This is the first time Helge and I have presented this topic together - previously Helge and Shawn Bass presented at BriForum London and Shawn and I presented it as BriForum Boston.
