Delivering Office with App-V - Error 0x80070424 installing the Office 2010 Deployment Kit

If you have issues installing the Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V (OffVirt.msi) to install the licensing component for a virtualized Office 2010 package, it may fail to install. A typical command line to install the licensing component look like this:

Reducing the size of App-V packages

If you’re looking to reduce the size of your App-V packages, you can compress them when saving them in the Sequencer; however if that content in the package doesn’t actually compress that well, you may not save as much space as you might expect. Here a quick win to reduce the size of your packages.

Microsoft Office Click-to-Run for Office 2010 KB articles help explain how Office runs under App-V

A number of knowledgebase articles have been updated recently that are interesting reading if you’re looking to understand how Microsoft Office works under App-V, and the limitations if you deploy Office in this method. If you’re already not aware, Office delivered by Click-to-Run is actually a modified version of App-V under the hood. There’s also an overview of Microsoft Office Click-to-Run for Office 2010 worth reading.
