Sequencing Mozilla Firefox 5
It’s easy to virtualize Firefox with App-V; however getting it right takes a little more effort. Here’s how to successfully sequence Mozilla Firefox 5.x.
It’s easy to virtualize Firefox with App-V; however getting it right takes a little more effort. Here’s how to successfully sequence Mozilla Firefox 5.x.
Inspired by a post on the ThinApp blog on Adding Shell Extensions to ThinApp Packages, I’ve documented here how to add Shell Extensions to an App-V package using the Windows Installer file generated by the App-V Sequencer.
I’ve previously written about the Desktop App-V Recipes, Tips and Tricks list that fellow App-V MVP, Nicke Källén and I have been compiling over the past year. This list has recently reached well over 220 links and highlights the fantastic efforts of many different contributors.
The App-V 4.6 Sequencer introduces some major changes in the user interface and the sequencing workflow. These changes have been designed to assist the sequencing engineer with virtualising applications in App-V while aligning with best practices.
With (far) more than a little help from another App-V MVP, Nicke Källén, we’ve been compiling a list of completed App-V recipes plus links to various places around the Internets where you’ll find assistance in getting your applications virtualised in App-V..
Sequencing the the App-V Management Console is reasonably straight-forward; however it wasn’t quite as simple as you would expect.
This is a guest post from Jurjen van Leeuwen, an App-V MVP (new for 2011) and independent consultant based in Norway. You can read more from Jurjen at his web site.