Senior Staff Engineer, Office of the CTO at Nerdio - on end user computing, virtualisation, modern device management, enterprise mobility, & automation
If for whatever reason you are looking to remove Adobe Reader from your computers, here’s how to remove these applications via a script or some other unattended means. I have tested this with Adobe Reader 6.0.1, 7.0.9 and 8.0 which are all readily available from the Adobe web site and all use Windows Installer. I was also able to test Adobe Reader 5.1 which utilises a standard setup application from InstallShield.
Gee, I expected a little more than this from Citrix - the new Presentation Server Client version 10 is still using the old 16-bit Windows Help format (.HLP). What’s the problem with this you say? Well, Windows Help is no longer included with Windows Vista and Microsoft have been discouraging its’ use for some time now. Yes you can now download a version of Windows Help for Vista from Microsoft, but it’s not guaranteed to work with all .HLP files.
The Citrix Presentation Server Client provides the ability to customise the client before you deploy it to your workstations. Customisation of the client is an important step to ensure the best possible experience for your users and it is yet very simple to achieve:
TweakVI is a tweaking and “optimisation” application from Totalidea that is essentially a front end for a large number of registry settings that you can enable or disable to change the behaviour of features in Windows Vista. The application is mainly aimed at power users but I would assume that some slightly less power users would be interested in this application as well.
There are quite a few design choices in Windows Vista that have me baffled, especially where an interface change to me seems quite logical but Microsoft have not implemented one. The Safely Remove Hardware feature is one such change.
While checking out where my disk space was being consumed on my Windows Vista machines, I found that System Restore was the main culprit. So to reclaim my lost space I disabled it. Here you can see the before and after impact on the system drive of my desktop - close to 3GB was freed:
Microsoft’s Windows Server 2003 Print Migrator 3.1 has now been rolled into the operating system with Windows Vista and Longhorn Server in the form of the Printer Migration Wizard. This new version is very simplified and comes as a UI, as you can see in the screenshot below, and a command line version.
If you are ever installing SafeWord RemoteAccess, don’t be in a hurry. Be prepared to wait while the Setup application downloads the application updates from the SafeWord site, you could be there a while. It’s clocked just over an hour now and it’s not my end:
Unfortunately life with Windows Vista means living with Microsoft’s Volume Activation 2.0. For complete information on Volume Activation 2.0 see this TechNet page: