New Group Policy White Papers Up For Grabs

Here’s a couple of new Group Policy white papers released to the Microsoft Download Centre. They detail some great Group Policy additions coming with Windows Server 2008 and the Microsoft Desktop Optimisation Pack. The Advanced Group Policy Management tool came out of what was DesktopStandard GPOVault and Group Policy Preferences is what used to be PolicyMaker.

SoftGrid: Launch Windows Explorer inside the bubble

If you’ve attempted to launch Windows Explorer as a component of your SoftGrid sequenced applications, you may find that you are not able to view folders within the SoftGrid protected environment (i.e. inside the bubble). When you attempt to view a folder that lies within the bubble or your SoftGrid drive letter, you will receive an ‘Access Denied’ error. The reason for this is that the Explorer process is not running within the bubble and thus you won’t have access to those folder locations.
