Senior Staff Engineer, Office of the CTO at Nerdio - on end user computing, virtualisation, modern device management, enterprise mobility, & automation
in Microsoft on Profile virtualisation, User folders, User virtualization
Profile bloat – we’ve all seen it. Many applications, and even Windows itself, can store files in the most inappropriate places within the user profile. For example, here’s just part of what the Vodafone Mobile Connect application stores within the roaming portion of my profile:
This post details virtualising 3.x with Microsoft Application Virtualization; however the same basic steps should apply to any application virtualisation product.
If you are virtualising Mozilla Firefox, you should probably consider disabling the update functionality within the browser, to ensure consistency of the virtual package. There are several items that need to be configured or removed:
This post has been sitting in my drafts since June 2009 and for whatever reason I haven’t gotten around to posting it. So rather than delete it, I’m posting it as is - apologies in advance for quality of this post
Microsoft Application Virtualisation 4.6 (RTM) has been made available, which you can download from the Microsoft Download Centre, including some new and updated support tools:
You may recall from my last post on RemoteApp, that we can get RemoteApp for Hyper-V works on other platforms too. While it was straight-forward publishing applications from a Windows 7 host, the client would report this error when connecting to Windows XP and Windows Vista hosts:
Microsoft has made available a set of 11 videos on App-V. These are mainly introductory, but are still worth watching even if you’ve been working with App-V for some time.