Turning Off AutoComplete on a Logon Point

I went looking for this last week and just couldn’t find it. Well Sam Johnston has let us know how it’s done. If you want to stop the browser from offering to save your username and password when logging into the Access Gateway, follow these steps on your Advanced Access Control servers:

  1. Open BASEPAGE.ASPX in the target Logon Point: C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\CitrixLogonPoint\<LogonPoint>\BASEPAGE.ASPX
  2. At about line 61 you will find the following code: <form id="pageForm" runat="server">
  3. Change this to: <form id="pageForm" runat="server" autocomplete="off">
  4. Save the changes and refresh the Logon Point in the Access Suite Console

Apparently this change will make it into “future releases of the product” - it’s not in the current beta of AAC 4.5. It’s great that Citrix is making this change, but should this not have already been the default configuration?