Retrieving a Virtual Machine's UUID from vSphere
While working on a PowerShell script to drive OS deployment through MDT, I’ve needed to obtain the UUID from a target virtual machine. Unfortunately this isn’t just a property of the VM that you get through Get-VM. Instead you’ll need jump through a few hoops to retrieve the right UUID.
I’ve haven’t had to re-invent the wheel on this one, as I’ve taken some tips from this VMware Community thread and a blog post by Ken Smith. I have simplified things a little by writing a function that you can use to return the UUID as a string from a virtual machine object (gathered from Get-VM) to the function.
To use the function, first ensure that PowerCLI is installed and that you’ve connected to a host or vCenter, so that a target VM can be returned and then passed to the function.
For example, I could use the following command to retrieve the UUID from a target VM:
PS C:\> Get-VM -VM "W7VM1" | Get-vSphereVMUUID
Code listing below:
# Author: Aaron Parker
# Desc: Function that uses retrieves the UUID from a specified VM and
# transposes it into the right format for use with MDT/SCCM etc
# Date: Mar 24, 2013
# Site:
# Original code snippets from:
Function Get-vSphereVMUUID {
Retrieves the UUID from a specified VM and formats it correctly for use with MDT/SCCM etc.
Retrieves the UUID from a specified VM and formats it correctly for use with MDT/SCCM etc. Returns the UUID as a string that can be passed to other functions.
Requires that a VM object is passed to the function. That object will first have to be created before being passed to this function.
Specifies the VM to retrieve the UUID from.
PS C:\> Get-vSphereVMUUID -VM "W7VM1"
Retrieves the UUID from a VM named W7VM1.
PS C:\> $VM | Get-vSphereVMUUID
Retrieves the UUID from a VM piped to this function.
See / for support information.
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, HelpMessage = "Specify the VM to retrive the UUID from.")]
# Retrive UUID from vSphere
$UUID = $VM | ForEach-Object { (Get-View $_.Id).config.UUID }
#Transpose UUID into expected format
# Section 1
$UUID11 = $UUID.Substring(0, 2)
$UUID12 = $UUID.Substring(2, 2)
$UUID13 = $UUID.Substring(4, 2)
$UUID14 = $UUID.Substring(6, 2)
# Section 2
$UUID21 = $UUID.Substring(9, 2)
$UUID22 = $UUID.Substring(11, 2)
# Section 3
$UUID31 = $UUID.Substring(14, 2)
$UUID32 = $UUID.Substring(16, 2)
# Section 4
$UUID41 = $UUID.Substring(19, 4)
# Section 5
$UUID51 = $UUID.Substring(24, 12)
# Piece the strings together
[string]$UUIDa = "$UUID14$UUID13$UUID12$UUID11"
[string]$UUIDb = "$UUID22$UUID21"
[string]$UUIDc = "$UUID32$UUID31"
[string]$UUIDd = "$UUID41"
[string]$UUIDe = "$UUID51"
[string]$UUIDfixed = "$UUIDa-$UUIDb-$UUIDc-$UUIDd-$UUIDe"
# Return the UUID
Return $UUIDfixed