WSUS Build Numbers

I’ve recently updated a few WSUS servers with WSUS SP1. The admin tool shows build numbers but does not state if the version is RTM or SP1. For reference these build numbers are:

Adventures with SAP GUI, SAPLPD and Terminal Server

Like all ridiculously expensive software we love to hate, the SAP GUI does not use standard Windows print queues to send print jobs, but implements a printing method they call SAPLPD instead. This is launched by a process that looks to be external to the SAP GUI component and does not respect the working directory key in each users registry. This process will attempt to write a file named LPRINT.NUM to the working directory of it’s parent process, the SAP GUI. If user does not have rights to write to this location the SAP GUI will exit completely without warning.

UI consistency and Microsoft Sans Serif

When Microsoft released Windows 2000, the new default UI font was changed to Tahoma from Microsoft Sans Serif. Unfortunately, not every team involved in developing Windows got the memo detailing this change. (There’s a whole team for the Display properties applet right?). I think it was also the same teams that then forgot to change the font in various dialogs in Windows XP. It still haunts us in various locations in Windows Vista as of build 5456 for which the new UI font is Segoe UI. Well if you’re picky like me and just want to see the same font across all UI elements, you can get most of the way there with a couple of registry edits. Navigate to:

Slow Program Neighbourhood Agent?

If the Citrix Program Neighbourhood Agent is slow to connect to the PNAgent web service and then takes time to display a list of applications, it’s probably related to folder redirection of the Application Data folder. Program Neighbourhood Agent, by default, stores cache information in the following folder:

Juggling Java VMs

I’ve just spent yesterday and today working on a site where the client had a need to run both the Microsoft Java VM and the Sun Java VM on their Terminal Servers. (The Microsoft Java VM is used for one site only, yes developers strike again). I was pretty happy when I was able to use Presentation Server 4.0 and Application Isolation Environments to get these to work on the same server, in Internet Explorer, at the same time. Here’s how:

Windows Firewall Technet Resources

Back in June, Microsoft created a resource section on TechNet for the Windows Firewall, check it out here. There is also a link to an article from way back in May 2004 about how Windows determines if the computer is on the domain network or another network and thus when to apply the Domain Windows Firewall profile or the Standard Windows Firewall profile settings pushed out via Group Policy. Using Group Policy to deliver a Domain and a Standard firewall policy to your workstations, allows you to place a less restrictive firewall policy when inside the coporate network and place a tight firewall policy (read deny all inbound) when a machine is away from the corporate network. Check out the article here:
