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Use in a Pipeline

Using the package factory in a pipeline requires a Windows runner. The pipeline will run the same process as if the factory was running on a local machine.

PowerShell Modules

The factory requires that the MSAL.PS, IntuneWin32App, Evergreen, VcRedist PowerShell modules are installed. Install with the following command:

Install-Module -Name "MSAL.PS", "IntuneWin32App", "Evergreen", "VcRedist" -Force -SkipPublisherCheck


Connect-MSIntuneGraph can authenticate to an app registration by passing the tenant ID, application (or client) ID and the client secret:

$params = @{
  TenantId     = "$env:TENANT_ID"
  ClientId     = "$env:CLIENT_ID"
  ClientSecret = "$env:CLIENT_SECRET"
Connect-MSIntuneGraph @params

Create an Application Package

New-Win32Package.ps1 is used to read the application package manifest, create the Intune Win32 package and call Create-Win32App.ps1 to import the package into the target Intune tenant.

Here's an example with importing Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and Citrix Workspace app into your Intune tenant by passing an array of package names to the -Application parameter:

$params = @{
    Path        = "E:\projects\packagefactory\packages"
    Application = "AdobeAcrobatReaderDCMUI", "CitrixWorkspaceApp"
    Type        = "App"
    WorkingPath = "E:\projects\packagefactory\output"
    Import      = $true
.\New-Win32Package.ps1 @params

Create an Update Package

New-Win32Package.ps1 can also create update packages where an application update is defined. The usage is exactly the same (because the update package logic is stored in the App.json for that package) - pass the package name to the -Application parameter, but also specify Update for the -Type parameter.

Here's an example with importing a Adobe Acrobat Reader DC update into your Intune tenant:

Set-Location -Path "E:\projects\packagefactory"
$params = @{
    Path        = "E:\projects\packagefactory\packages"
    Application = "AdobeAcrobatReaderDCMUIx64"
    Type        = "Update"
    WorkingPath = "E:\projects\packagefactory\output"
    Import      = $true
.\New-Win32Package.ps1 @params