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Example usage

Here's a few examples of using Evergreen functions to return application versions and downloads.

Microsoft Edge

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftEdge will return the latest versions and downloads for Microsoft Edge, including Group Policy administrative templates. To return the latest version of Microsoft Edge and the download URI for 64-bit Windows, use the following syntax:

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftEdge | Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq "x64" -and $_.Channel -eq "Stable" -and $_.Release -eq "Enterprise" }

This will return output similar to the following:

Version      : 97.0.1072.69
Platform     : Windows
Channel      : Stable
Release      : Enterprise
Architecture : x64
Date         : 20/1/2022
Hash         : AB27CC051E07ADF4EDD807699541A7516E18C32794272482B7F24ECE18917BE3
URI          :

Microsoft FSLogix Apps

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftFSLogixApps will return the latest version and download URI for Microsoft FSLogix Apps. Because the output is simple, no additional filtering is required:

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftFSLogixApps

Version : 2.9.7654.46150
Date    : 9/1/2021 12:54:48 am
URI     :

Microsoft Teams

Most Windows desktop environments are going to be on 64-bit Windows, so to get the 64-bit version of Microsoft Teams use the following syntax:

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftTeams | Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq "x64" -and $_.Ring -eq "General" -and $_.Type -eq "msi" }

Microsoft OneDrive

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftOneDrive uses the OneDrive update feed to return version from several release rings - Enterprise, Production and Insider. Often the Production ring returns more than one release:

Version : 21.016.0124.0002
Ring    : Insider
Sha256  : BP/TxWlUFk0rbPVXRlbjYLhddSROtWOFTk7gCK8PWJc=
Type    : Exe
URI     :

Version : 21.016.0124.0002
Ring    : Insider
Sha256  : N/A
Type    : Msix
URI     :

Version : 21.002.0104.0005
Ring    : Production
Sha256  : 8xzNz/Yt2ahAc/BZxN5j5gWc7aWypo0A46uUROq8vzg=
Type    : Exe
URI     :

Version : 21.002.0104.0005
Ring    : Production
Sha256  : N/A
Type    : Msix
URI     :

Version : 20.169.0823.0008
Ring    : Enterprise
Sha256  : kDd6mfMp34H7gp4JRBoM//3WNnMZGpz7mba5Ns/OtBs=
Type    : Exe
URI     :

Version : 20.169.0823.0008
Ring    : Enterprise
Sha256  : N/A
Type    : Msix
URI     :

To ensure that we return only the very latest Production version, we need to filter the output:

(Get-EvergreenApp -Name MicrosoftOneDrive | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Exe" -and $_.Ring -eq "Production" }) | `
    Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [System.Version]$_.Version }; Descending = $true } | Select-Object -First 1

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC returns a large number of languages as well as x86 and x64 installers, thus filtering the output is required to return a single installer that might be used in creating a gold image:

Get-EvergreenApp -Name AdobeAcrobatReaderDC | Where-Object { $_.Language -eq "English" -and $_.Architecture -eq "x64" }

Output should then look similar to the following:

Version      : 21.011.20039
Language     : English
Architecture : x64
Name         : Reader DC 2021.011.20039 English Windows(64Bit)
URI          :

The installer can then be downloaded with Save-EvergreenApp:

$Reader = Get-EvergreenApp -Name AdobeAcrobatReaderDC | Where-Object { $_.Language -eq "English" -and $_.Architecture -eq "x64" }
$Reader | Save-EvergreenApp -Path "C:\Temp\Reader"

Mozilla Firefox

Get-EvergreenApp -Name MozillaFirefox returns both the current version and extended support release, along with installers in several languages. This means that to return a single version of the Firefox installer, we have a fairly complex query. The example below will return the 64-bit current release of Firefox in the US language and a Windows Installer package. To be doubly sure that we get a single installer, Sort-Object is also used to sort the Version property and return the most recent:

Get-EvergreenApp -Name "MozillaFirefox" -AppParams @{Language="en-GB"} | Where-Object { $_.Channel -eq "LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION" -and $_.Architecture -eq "x64" -and $_.type -eq "msi" } | `
    Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [System.Version]$_.Version }; Descending = $true } | Select-Object -First 1

Version      : 96.0.2
Architecture : x64
Language     : en-GB
Type         : msi
Filename     : Firefox Setup 96.0.2.msi
URI          :